Psalm 37

Don't procrastinate

Don’t settle for less, #06: Don’t procrastinate

Don’t procrastinate. Maybe you’re still asking, why not procrastinate?  Even if we never do the thing God’s asking us to do, won’t He have a Plan B?  Won’t He have someone else do it instead?  But that’s missing the point.  It was a task we were created to do.  For the One who created us. 

Let me create a picture for you, then explain it.  Remember the image at the top of the page?  It was a burned out light bulb, trying to get someone’s attention.  Trying to say it needs to be replaced.

Now, let’s say that light bulb represents the Holy Spirit in us.  Fortunately, the Holy Spirit will be trying to get our attention before it goes out.  But if it does go out, we’re in trouble.  If it goes out, if the Holy Spirit is no longer in us, then we’ve done what Jesus warned us about in the following passage from Luke’s gospel.

Don’t settle for less, #06: Don’t procrastinate More

Blessed are the meek - lamb

Blessed are the meek

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.  Yeah.  That sounds about right.  The meek.  The weak people.  The ones who never stand up for themselves.  They just take whatever comes their way.  Truth is, they’re probably the only kind of people who would even accept this old broken down world as part of their inheritance.  Everyone else is smart enough to turn it down.  Of course, there’s always the question of whether we’ll just literally blow the whole thing up in one huge nuclear war.  Then the only inheritance is going to be a whole lot of cosmic dust.  For the meek.  Yeah – that sounds right.  Blessed are the meek – Not!

Except that it really doesn’t sound right.  On the off chance you don’t recognize the opening line, here it is again, with some “context” provided by text formatting.

Mt 5:5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.

So it’s from Jesus.  The creator of this whole universe we live in.  Including this old broken down world.  And the creator of me and you.  Given that, something’s got to be wrong with that whole first paragraph.  The thing is though, I dare say, the majority of the world believes the first paragraph is true.  Unfortunately, if we’re honest, a look at the world around us shows that a number of people calling themselves Christians hold that same view.  Clearly, the truth of this simple beatitude is lost on much of the world. 

Blessed are the meek – it must be true.  Somehow.

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