Water From the Rock

Does God punish us today, like when He didn't allow Moses to enter the Promised Land?

Will God punish us today, like when He didn’t allow Moses to enter the Promised Land?

Does God punish us today, like when He didn’t allow Moses to enter the Promised Land?  That’s a question that came up when we were studying one of the Beatitudes – Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.  You can maybe see how the question might arise.  And how it seems important.  After all Moses did to lead God’s people in the Exodus, he didn’t live long enough to set foot in the Promised Land.  So what chance do we have?

Will God punish us today, like when He didn’t allow Moses to enter the Promised Land? More

What’s the importance of a “land flowing with milk and honey”?

Eighteen times in the Bible, we read about a “land flowing with milk and honey”.  … I mean – it’s not like the land was literally flowing with milk and honey.  That would be one heck of a lot of cows and bees – and all that milk and honey – plus everything else that would go along with all that.  Yuck.  It would’ve been a horrible mess.  Obviously, this wasn’t meant to be taken literally.  So we have yet one more reason to wonder – what was the thing about milk and honey?  

What’s the importance of a “land flowing with milk and honey”? More

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